
Nurturing the Uniqueness of Every Student in a Small School Environment







Personal Academic Environment








Loving School




A t Saint Catherine of Siena School we treat our students with dignity, and respect all children’s individual differences.  We call students to grow into their best selves and to treat others with the same degree of dignity.

Our elementary and middle school enroll only one class per grade. This enables our staff to truly get to know every one of our students, and provides them the opportunity to help realize and coax out the potential in even the shyest of students. Good teaching throughout every class helps grow productive and fully realized students who by 8th grade are ready to take on the rigors of the most challenging High Schools.

Our preschool program is the perfect introduction to school for young minds. We provide children with a safe, nurturing, and creative environment that will optimize their development while encouraging them to LOVE school.


Our program is in session for the perfect amount of time, encouraging young minds to learn to express their ideas, develop a positive self image, and develop skills in independence and self-direction. Most importantly we teach and consistently reinforce to our students their uniqueness as a child of God.

Preschoolers learning academics through play...elementary and middle school students learning in a personal academic environment...is it any wonder our students LOVE going to school?

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