
Author Visit

Posted by on Wednesday, October 16, 2013 in School News

Written By: Brooke R. , Grade 7

On Wednesday, October 9th, acclaimed young adult novelist and screenwriter Geoff Rodkey visited St. Catherine’s, delivering a presentation for grades 3-8. After speaking briefly about his middle-grade adventure series, The Chronicles of Egg, Mr. Rodkey gave tips about how to find inspiration to creatively write, advising students to “write about their own experiences”.
After the assembly, fellow Saints Messenger con-tributor Ashley Hess and I had the opportunity to speak to this admirable writer and ask him a few questions.
Question: It’s no doubt that you enjoy writing, but if you had to pick a different profession, what would you choose?
Geoff Rodkey: A teacher, since it’s the only thing I kind of qualify to do.
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone two writers, living or dead, who would they be?
GR: Ben Franklin and Mark Twain.
Q: What is some advice you’d give to aspiring writ-ers?
GR: Write the things that you would want to read. Be your own audience…and always remember that the first draft of everything is terrible!
